Principaux thèmes de recherche
- Droit des contrats internationaux
- Droit américain des contrats
- membre de l’American Bar Association
- membre de l’International Bar Association
- membre de Chicago Bar Association
- membre de l’Association of Corporate Counsels,
- membre de Chief European Legal Officers Association
- membre de l’Academy of Legal Studies (American Business Law professors)
- membre de l’Association of Transportation Law Professionals
- Common Law Contracts, Grande Ecole du Droit (GED), Université de Paris-Sud
- Common Law Contracts,, Master 2 Juriste d’Affaires Franco-Anglais, Université de Paris-Sud
- International Law for the Business Lawyer, ESSEC
Autre activité professionnelle
- Conseiller juridique spécial du Groupe Alstom, de janvier 2011 à janvier 2012
- Directeur juridique et Secrétaire du Conseil d’administration du Groupe Alstom, de juillet 2006 à janvier 2011
- Directeur Juridique du Secteur Transport du Groupe Alstom, de mai 1998 à février 2007
- Avocat au Barreau de l’Etat de l’Illinois, depuis 1976
- Avocat au Barreau de l’Etat du Michigan (inactive)
Principales publications
- Einbinder, « The role of the Intermediary between the Contract and Owner On International Construction Projects: A French Contractor’s Viewpoint 11 The International Construction Law Review 175 (April 1994)
- Demazet (editor) and Einbinder, « La gestion hôtelière/Hotel Management Chapters on Hotel and Restaurant Law, Collection Club International, Maxim’s de Paris (1989)
- Book review, Labour relations and Industrial Relations by
- Lord Wedderburn, 81 American Journal of International Law 547(1987)
- Book Review, Multinational Enterprises and the OECD Industrial Relations Guidelines by Campbell and Rowan, 79 American Journal of International Law 231 (1985)
- Book review, International Labour Conventions and National Law by Virginia A. Leary, 78 American Journal of International Law 258 (1984)
- Note, ‘La Salle National Bank y. Evanston, Aesthetics are Properly Considered in Determining the Validity of Zoning Ordinances’ Illinois Bar Journal 335 (1975)
Participations aux conférences, colloques, séminaires
En France
- Speaker at Jeantet law firm in Paris (one of France’s oldest and most prestigious lawfirms) to clients on Corruption, Fraud –October 2012
- Lecturer, since 2012 on “Contractual Risk Management and Limitations of Liability” at “EFE” –Editions Formation Entreprise- annual seminars on “Contracts under Common Law
- Panelist on “Litiges Internationaux et competence du juge américaine-Hautes Etudes sur la Justice et le Ministere des Affaires Etrangeres through joint centre « Conventions- réguler la mondialisation » in February 2011
- Panelist (with other General Counsels of major European multinationals) on “Issues working with outside legal counsel” at White & Case worldwide partner annual meeting (2010)
A l’étranger
- Speaker at international associations on international and comparative law, Vienna, Juillet 2014
- Speaker at conferences, symposiums, the American Business Law Association-Business law professors ,Boston, 6-10 août 2013
- Speaker at World Bank headquarters on Public Private Partnerships (PPP) –April 2013
- Speaker at UN headquarters in Geneva on PPP –July 2nd, 2013
- Speaker on “Building the Worldwide company” at PLUS (Insurance) annual conference in Chicago on NOV 8th, 2012
- Speaker and organizer of Seminar on The Legal Aspects of Natural and Industrial Disasters at HAGUE ACADEMY OF INTERNATIONAL LAW (with former General Counsel of Shell) for senior legal fellows-January 2011
- Panelist (with other General Counsels of major European multinationals) on “Issues working with outside legal counsel” at White & Case worldwide partner annual meeting (2010)